RST FOOD Website

benefits of pistachios + its benefits for health

benefits of pistachios

In this article from the RST FOOD website, we are going to introduce you to the benefits of pistachios for human health, stay with us.

There are numerous scientific facts that back up the health benefits of all sorts of pistachios for human body and we are going to mention some of them here to help you choose your snack wisely with more exotic taste.

health benefits of pistachios

Pistachio has been a big part of Persian agriculture since the ancient times, and people are having it in regular and special occasions such as: nowrooz, yalda night, and so on, with expansion of trade between countries all around the world and ease of access to different foods people are more and more encouraged to make better decisions while spending their money and with snacks being a very important part of most people’s diet these days it is crucial to nourish our body with healthy and rich nutrients. Most of us have heard the old saying “you are what you eat” since human body has a complex biological function adding more variety to the daily diet can increase and optimize its performance and health, therefore we are going to see which nutrients pistachios contain and mention a few them. Here are some facts and information on health benefits of pistachios.

ANTIOXIDANTS and health benefits of pistachios

there are foods that are famous among people for having high number of antioxidants in them such as: blueberries, pomegranates, cherries and red wine and so on, but you will be surprised to know pistachios are just as rich in antioxidants as the most well-known foods are. lutein, β-carotene, and γ-tocopherol in addition to containing selenium, flavonoids, and proanthocyanins are some of the most well-known ones of antioxidants in pistachios. Each antioxidant serves a different function and is not interchangeable with another. And adding pistachios to your diet can assure you of getting a vast spectrum of them to keep the blood in your arteries a vessel flowing perfectly.

mechanism of UNSATURATED FATS function and their relation with health benefits of pistachios

almost 75% of the calories in a serving of pistachios come from its fat content. Before you panic, you need to know more about the types of fats found in this type of super nut, some of the health benefits of pistachios derive from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats in the pistachio help keep your cholesterol levels low and support the health and development of the cells in your body and polyunsaturated fats also help your heart and brain to function better and there has been many experiments which prove the antiaging properties of this type of fat in pistachios.

pistachio is RICH OF IRON

Pistachios are loaded with iron, there is 3.9 milligrams of iron per 100 grams. From blood-forming ingredients, the human body produces millions of red blood cells every day and if your red blood cell count is low, your body needs to work harder to get enough oxygen. Anemia will put you at risk for side effects, so it’s important to get your red blood cell counts back to normal as quickly as possible, Pistachios have a lot of absorbable iron which can be very helpful for all persons in the treatment of iron deficiency.  Treating anemia is another one of the valuable properties of pistachios.

 PROTEIN AND AMINO ACIDS related to health benefits of pistachios

PROTEIN AND AMINO ACIDS related to health benefits of pistachios

pistachios are among the lowest calorie nuts yet have highest protein content only after almonds by 20% of their weight.  They also have a higher ratio of essential amino acids ⁠- the building blocks of protein ⁠- than any other nut, these amino acids are considered essential because your body cannot make them, so you must obtain them from your diet. Some amino acids are considered as semi essential meaning that they can be essential under certain circumstances, depending on the health of the individual. One of these semi-essential amino acids is L-arginine, which accounts for 2% of the amino acids in pistachios. It’s converted into nitric oxide in your body, which is a compound that causes your blood vessels to dilate, aiding blood flow.

FIBER and its properties on health benefits of pistachios

Fiber is another one of the most crucial nutrients in pistachios, as you might already know fiber is what makes your body to transform the food you eat into sugar slowly it’s called GI (glycemic index) meaning it doesn’t cause large blood sugar spikes and can help promote healthy blood sugar levels. Fiber has positive effects on digestion system it increases the number of bacteria that produce beneficial short-chain fatty acids like butyrate which protects intestines and fights cancer.

There are many different types of nutrients that human body needs and vitamins are just another part of health benefits of pistachios to supply physical needs. Vitamin A, E, C, B6 are just some of most notable in pistachios that can promote health of the hair and make it soft and sturdy, it also contains biotin which prevents hair loss and can help dry hair, vitamin E is also good for softness and health of skin in general, vitamin A also boosts sight and protects the eyes.

MINERALS and children at growing age

Mineral composition of pistachio nuts is packed with an array of the most vital ones, most notably: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, which are essential and have major effect on growth of bones and muscles and internal organs of children at growing age. it also makes them smarter! And boosts the memory and IQ levels of anyone at any age, children in particular can use health benefits of pistachios as it helps them to improve their nervous system and with all the other positive effects combined it optimizes brain activity in children majorly.

WOMEN and how health benefits of pistachios can be helpful

Women nourish not only themselves but also the child they carry during the pregnancy and as we all know a proper diet is very important during pregnancy time. Pistachios have some of the most essential nutrients for growth and protection of embryo such as oleic and linoleic acids and all the other health benefits of pistachios mentioned in previous paragraphs makes it a super food during pregnancy. it can also be very effective for women on menstruation to increase and recover red blood cells.

high potency and testosterone levels for men are another health benefits of pistachios

high potency and testosterone levels for men are another health benefits of pistachios

With years passing of our lives, we naturally and biologically face physical challenges in diversity, some of those challenges for men are lower testosterone levels and erectile dysfunction, though all types of nuts are very beneficial, yet pistachios stand on top of all other types because of containing a considerable amount of L-ARGININE, many studies have shown adding Pistachio to men’s diet 100grams per day for three weeks can improve erectile function and increase testosterone levels.

In the end, people allergic to tree nuts should be warned. And like all types of nuts pistachios should be used and eaten in moderation, having excessive amounts not only prevents the absorption of all goods in it but also causes problems for liver. 

This article written by (RSTFOOD.CO) research department has tried to give you useful information on health benefits of pistachios to raise your general knowledge.

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