RST FOOD Website


Our premium pistachios, raisins, dates and saffron are nutritious and healthy for your diet. We carefully select our raw-materials from our network of local farmers, because we are going to make a safe and long- term relationship. We are ready to supply you in bulk and retail packing /private & white label.

Pistachios or pistachio nuts are seeds from the pistachio tree (Pistacia vera). Pistachio trees are native to Central Asia. Pistachio nuts consist of a hull and shell that enclose a seed

Dates are the product prepared from sound fruit of the date tree (Phoenix dactylifera L.), which fruit:

(a) is harvested at the appropriate stage of maturity;

(b) is sorted and cleaned to remove defective fruit and extraneous material;

The history of saffron production dates back to the greatness of Iranian civilization, and the main source of this plant belongs to Iran, and every year more than 95% of the production of this valuable plant in the world takes place in Iran. This plant is known by the scientific name Crocus Sativus and the brand name Saffron.

Raisin or dried grapes are the dried, ripe fruit of the grapevine (Vitis Vinifera). After grapes reach the desired sugar content, they are harvested, washed, dried, sorted and packed.