RST FOOD Website

Iranian raisins and everything you need to know

Iranian raisins

In the article from RST Food website, we intend to introduce you to Iranian raisins comprehensively, stay with us.

The history of Original Iranian raisins

The history of the original Iranian raisin dates back to two thousand years BC. It is believed that the discovery of raisins was not purposeful and it is highly probable that this product was discovered by chance. It is possible that at that time, our ancestors tried fruits dried by direct sunlight on the tree and after tasting the taste, they realized that drying fruits is also one of the good ways to consume them, and this is how the original Iranian raisins were discovered. But the raisin itself was discovered for the first time in ancient Egypt.

Uses of raisins in ancient times

Uses of raisins in ancient times

The original Iranian raisin had very interesting uses in ancient times and was considered a relatively luxurious product. According to old paintings from ancient Egypt, the use of this product was common at that time. The ancient Greeks and Romans also used raisins widely, for example, they decorated religious places and their houses with them, or they used them to make a crown in the form of sports awards today and give it to the winners of sports competitions.
You may not believe it, but raisins (original Iranian raisins) have been used for trading and exchanging goods with goods, and sometimes our ancestors paid raisins instead of taxes! not interesting? This product has played a significant role in people’s lives since the past until now, when you are reading this article.

Expansion of the original Iranian raisin

Expansion of the original Iranian raisin

Currently, the United States of America is the largest producer of raisins in the world. You may be wondering how the raisin that was discovered in the Middle East found its way to America, well the story goes like this after the raisin was discovered by the Egyptians and became popular in their neighboring countries and two very interested sects Phoenicians and Armenians were this product.

Armenians needed land to establish their vineyards and therefore they went to the Middle East and started their vineyards in some countries there, and it was there that the original Iranian raisin was cultivated for the first time and the Armenians also noticed its difference compared to the limited varieties. Together with the Iranians, they took the maximum advantage of using the original Iranian raisins. Unlike the Armenians, the Phoenicians showed more interest in the western lands to grow raisins and start their own vineyards.

Therefore, they moved towards Europe and most of them found the water, soil and weather conditions of Greece better than other countries to establish their vineyards, and as a result, they settled in Greece and started their raisin cultivation, and the results were acceptable.

Some other Phoenicians who were not interested in settling in Greece traveled to other European countries and started their own raisin cultivation in other countries such as Spain, Italy and France.

Their activities were also accepted by themselves, but their raisins were definitely not of the quality and volume of the original Iranian raisins cultivated by the Armenians, as well as the Greek raisins, which were inferior to the Middle Eastern raisins. After the passing of many years, the Europeans moved to the west to discover new lands and started sailing, and we all know the story of the discovery of the American continent and the settlement of the Europeans, so we will not go into this long story and we will jump directly after this story.

Raisin entering the biggest country that produces it at the moment

There are many stories about how the original Iranian raisins as well as the original Egyptian raisins were imported to the United States of America, the largest producer of raisins in the world at the moment, but you are going to read the most reliable of them on the RST Food website.

Raisin entering the biggest country that produces it at the moment

After the Europeans settled all over the American continent, especially the Spaniards had settled in the Mexican region, and in the 1800s, these people took grapes with them to the United States and spread its cultivation in the state of California and established their own vineyards.

And the residents of California also welcomed this work, and some Californians also engaged in the same work. The products of these vineyards were primarily dedicated to the wine industry, but after a few years, when the managers of the vineyards realized that they could increase their industry and profits by producing raisins, why didn’t they do this? So that’s how the vast raisin industry came out of California. In this section, there was no news about the original Iranian raisins and we only talked about California raisins. And this is how the American California raisin has the largest share of raisin production in the world.

last word

Today, many countries produce raisins and the interesting thing is that all those raisins are different from each other. For example, the original Iranian raisins are completely different from the original Australian raisins. Each of the raisin producing countries has its own story about raisins, but here you have studied the main story of those countries.

This is the history of the original Iranian raisin, and there are many other topics about this raisin, such as: types of Iranian raisins, how to convert grapes into original Iranian raisins, etc., which we will definitely cover in other articles for you dear readers. If you have ever used Iranian original raisins or any other raisins, be sure to write us your comments so that we can serve you the best. You can also see RST raisins from our products page and contact us to place an order.

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Finally, what was the exact date of the discovery of the original Iranian raisin?

Unfortunately, the exact date of the discovery of this product is not available.

Was the first raisin discovered like today’s raisins?

Of course, depending on the species of the tree and the type of grape, the raisin also changes, but it is believed that the first raisin discovered was completely dried by sunlight, perhaps it was more similar to currant.

How much was the value of raisins in ancient times?

It may be a little surprising, but raisins were considered a luxury item in those days and were even used as an offering to the king and as a prize for the sports champion.

How USA has become the largest producer of raisins?

Due to the climatic conditions of the state of California and the welcome of the vineyard owners to this product and the production of original California raisins and the desirability of this product, many people gradually entered this work and this is how the USA was able to rank first in the production of raisins.

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