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Packaging: 5kg | 10kg

Khasooee date is one of the smallest Iranian dates; It is very sweet and delicious and has a high shelf life. It is classified as wet and juicy date (with 15 to 25% relative humidity) because they have a lot of juice and it is said that if these dates are kept in a closed container for several hours, it will be full in the juice. The juice of this date is also used in many other products, both industrial and non-industrial. In general, the juice of this date is one of its by-products.


Khasooee date is one of the smallest Iranian dates; It is very sweet and delicious and has a high shelf life. It is classified as wet and juicy date (with 15 to 25% relative humidity) because they have a lot of juice and it is said that if these dates are kept in a closed container for several hours, it will be full in the juice. The juice of this date is also used in many other products, both industrial and non-industrial. In general, the juice of this date is one of its by-products.

This date is cultivated in Bushehr, Hormozgan, Khuzestan and Fars provinces. In fact, Khasooee dates are cultivated in different provinces and cities, but the kind of Bushehr is more famous, and according to some experts, have a better quality.

Khasooee date is smaller than other dates and looks like plums. The length of this date is about 2 to 3 cm, depending on the species and its growing area, it is found in different colors from golden yellow to light brown and dark brown and black. These dates have less sugar than other dates. Of course, this is due to the fact that dates are wet and juicy. The more moisture the date has, the lower its sugar content. For this reason, consuming a lot of dried dates is not recommended for people who have a diet, and it is better to replace it with a khasooee date. The specific sugar in dates is often fructose, which is easily consumed in the body’s metabolism, which makes the effect of this date sugar on diabetics much less.

Although this date has a high shelf life , we recommend you store that in +5 to +8 away from insects in dry, clean, well-ventilated places.

Shelf life in normal environment up to 12 months and in refrigerator or freezer for 18 to 24 months It will be harvested in End – September and the best time for buying is October.


Some of the properties of dates, especially Khasooee dates are listed below:

Treatment of anemia: Anemia can be defined as a low number of red blood cells in the human body caused by iron deficiency. Dates contain significant levels of iron, which makes dates a good home remedy for iron deficiency and anemia.

Treatment of gastrointestinal problems and diarrhea: Dates are a good source of potassium that can help treat diarrhea. Also, the soluble fiber in dates can help the health of the human body’s digestive system and easier excretion.

Bone health: Minerals such as selenium, manganese, copper and magnesium in dates help improve bone health and make them stronger.

Helps keep the nervous system healthy: Dates are a good source of vitamins, some of which improve the health and better functioning of the nervous system.

Beneficial for the heart: The potassium in dates prevents diseases, heart attacks and strokes by lowering LDL cholesterol levels in the body.

Healthy hair: Dates have many vitamins, especially vitamin B5, which is vital for hair health. Deficiency of this vitamin can cause problems such as hair loss, brittle hair and dandruff.

Increased energy: Khasooee date is very energetic despite their small size. Natural sugars such as glucose, fructose and sucrose in dates cause an immediate burst of energy in the body, so that it is felt immediately after consuming the resulting energy.


Principle Nutrient Value/100g Unit
Calories 300 calories
Carbohydrates 70 g
Sugars 63 g
Dietary fiber 8 g
Fat 0.4 g
Protein 2.2 g
Calcium 39 mg
Iron 1.02 mg
Magnesium 43 mg
Manganese 0.262 mg
Phosphorus 62 mg
Potassium 656 mg
Sodium 2 mg
Zinc 0.29 mg
Lutein Zagxanthin 75 gµ
Beta-carotene 6 gµ
Vitamin A 10 IU
B1 0.052 gµ
Riboflavin B2 0.066 mg
Niacin B3 1.274 mg
Pantothenic acid B5 0.589 mg
Vitamin B6 0.165 mg
Folate B9 19 gµ
Vitamin C 0.4 mg
Vitamin E 0.05 mg
Vitamin K 2.7 gµ


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