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Mazafati date or Kimia date is one of the soft, delicious and popular dates that is known in the world in addition to Iran. Mazafati date is available in all three types: wet, semi-dry and dry. Its moisture content varies between 15–35% which is higher than the other types.

This date cultivar is mostly cultivated in the south of Iran, especially in the cities of Bam, Kahnooj, Jiroft (Kerman province), Nikshahr, Saravan, Iranshahr (Sistan and Baluchestan province), which are the largest producers of Mazafati date in the country. This date is round and oval, about 2.5 to 4 cm in size, black and dark brown in color, and has a thin skin that can be easily removed. The texture of this date is soft and easy to chew. Sweet taste and high juice are other features of this product.

Storage conditions in all three types of dates are different. It is recommended to keep all three types in the refrigerator to prevent them from spoiling.

Fresh Mazafati dates (wet): has a moisture of about 25 to 30 percent and should be stored in the refrigerator to prevent spoilage. The optimum temperature for storing this date is between -5 and +5 degrees Celsius. The life of this date in the refrigerator reaches 18 months.

Semi-dry Mazafati dates: These dates have about 20 to 25 percent moisture and can be stored in a normal space as long as it is cool. But it is better to keep in the refrigerator at a temperature between -5 to +5 degrees. The life of this date in the cold storage reaches 24 months.

Dried Mazafati dates: This type of date can be stored at normal ambient temperature up to 14 to 18 months and in the refrigerator up to 24 months.

Harvest seasons of this type of date are in late summer and early autumn (end of September). The date of harvest in Bam is between September and November.

RST as a well-known Iranian supplier that has its domestic network supply chain is ready to supply you in bulk and retail packing.


The benefits of Mazafati date are many. This date is a traditional medicine for many physical and mental ailments. This date has various nutrients, potassium, magnesium, fiber, calcium, vitamins A and B complex, vitamins c and.. In addition, it is very low in fat and contains protein, which makes it a healthy snack.

Some of the properties of Mazafati date are as follows:

It is recommended for fasting people ( Muslim countries ), both at dawn and iftar. Because the energy from it helps you stay fit during the day and helps you to compensate for your fatigue and weakness during iftar.

Contains several minerals including phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium that prevent osteoporosis.

Helps improve brain health.

Helps in natural childbirth in women.

Lowers cholesterol.

An ideal diet helps you both lose weight and gain weight.

It has a lot of iron that promotes hair growth and strength.

Due to the low glycemic index, as well as the natural sugars of this date, eating it for diabetics, without consulting a specialist, is unobstructed.

This date can be used as one of the snacks during the day.

It can be used to produce ice cream, milkshakes, cookies, cakes and more.

It is a nutritious and energetic snack for athletes that can be used before training.

Helps the body’s nervous system function.

Due to its high fiber, it helps treat constipation and the normal functioning of the body’s digestive system.


Principle Nutrient Value/100g UNIT
Energy 275 Kcal
Carbohydrates 74 g
Sugars 67 g
Dietary fiber 7.1 g
Fat 0.2 g
Protein 3 g
Calcium 60 mg
Iron 1.02 mg
Magnesium 43 mg
Phosphorus 62 mg
Potassium 656 mg
Sodium 2 mg
Zinc 0.29 mg
Vitamin A 10 IU
Niacin B3 1.274 mg
Folate B9 19 gµ
Vitamin C 0.4 mg



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