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Piarom date is undoubtedly one of the most famous dates in Iran and the world and also one of the most delicious Iranian dates. This type of date is one of the most expensive dates produced in Iran and due to its high quality and high consumer satisfaction has been able to become one of the important export cultivar of Iran. Compared to other types of dates, this date is the most expensive and luxurious date in Iran.


Piarom date is undoubtedly one of the most famous dates in Iran and the world and also one of the most delicious Iranian dates. This type of date is one of the most expensive dates produced in Iran and due to its high quality and high consumer satisfaction has been able to become one of the important export cultivar of Iran. Compared to other types of dates, this date is the most expensive and luxurious date in Iran.

Piarom dates are classified as semi-dry date with less than 15% moisture. It is elongated and long date, with a very thin skin and attached to its flesh. This date has a fleshy texture and is dark brown in color, which takes a very beautiful and special effect after washing.

This date is high in sugar. But the type of sugar is fructose, which easily helps both the metabolism and is used in the body.

Piarom is mostly cultivated in the south of Iran and the city of Hajiabad and the surrounding villages and towns. The average size of Piyarom date is about 4 to 5 cm. In appearance, these dates are similar to Rabbi and Medjool dates, and with their excellent taste, they have always been able to compete with Medjool date.

Due to the low humidity, it is better to keep these dates in the refrigerator. For daily consumption, these dates can be stored in a room, but for long-term storage, it is better to store in the refrigerator or freezer away from moisture.

The shelf life of this date in a clean and cool room is up to 18 months. But as mentioned, it is better to keep these dates in the refrigerator or freezer.

It is harvested in the mid-September. Depending on the climate of the region, the harvest of these dates will continue until mid-October and even in some areas until early November.

RST as a well-known Iranian supplier that has its domestic network supply chain is ready to supply you in bulk and retail packing.


Piyarom dates contain beneficial minerals, natural and healthy sugars, and natural proteins. This date contain a lot of dietary fiber. The fiber in these dates is excellent for better gastrointestinal function. Dates also contain folic acid, or folate, which is good for women during pregnancy and helps the blood supply to the body.

Some of the properties of Piyarom dates are summarized below:

For people who suffer from diabetes, this date is a natural and healthy sweetener and can be used in the right amount in your diet.

There is a lot of fiber in these dates, which is very useful for the body’s digestive system and is a natural laxative.

The results of some studies show that eating Piyarom date prevents colon cancer.

Helps improve some respiratory problems, including asthma..

Piyarom dates are a rich source of potassium, which is very useful for preventing high blood pressure and strengthening the body’s nerves.

This date is high in magnesium, which is good for muscle growth.

Piyarom can be used to improve eye vision.

Rich in beneficial minerals.

The iron in these dates helps with anemia.

Vitamin C in this date helps to treat diseases of the mouth, teeth and gums.

It is suitable for pregnant women, in addition to helping the fetus grow, it also helps in easier delivery. Using this date cultivar to prevent osteoporosis is also useful.


Principle Nutrient Value – 100g Unit
ENERGY 282 calories
Carbohydrates 75 g
Sugars 63 g
Dietary fiber 8 g
Fat 0.4 g
Protein 2.5 g
Calcium 39 mg
Iron 1.02 mg
Magnesium 43 mg
Potassium 656 mg
Sodium 2 mg
Vitamin B6 0.165 mg


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