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It is a saffron that has red stigmas, along with some of the end of the thread that is yellow (between 3 and 5 mm). This type has more survival than other types of saffron because it has some roots along with its stigmas. This type of saffron has a higher coloring power compared to bunch saffron, because its color is more than bunch saffron. Some people respect this type of saffron and use it due to the fact that in Pushal saffron, the stigma is attached to the cream and the possibility of fraud in saffron is reduced and it is easier to distinguish whether it is original or not fake.


It is a saffron that has red stigmas, along with some of the end of the thread that is yellow (between 3 and 5 mm). This type has more survival than other types of saffron because it has some roots along with its stigmas. This type of saffron has a higher coloring power compared to bunch saffron, because its color is more than bunch saffron. Some people respect this type of saffron and use it due to the fact that in Pushal saffron, the stigma is attached to the cream and the possibility of fraud in saffron is reduced and it is easier to distinguish whether it is original or not fake.

It is a saffron that has red stigmas, along with some of the end of the thread that is yellow (between 3 and 5 mm). This type has more survival than other types of saffron because it has some roots along with its stigmas. This type of saffron has a higher coloring power compared to bunch saffron, because its color is more than bunch saffron. Some people respect this type of saffron and use it due to the fact that in Pushal saffron, the stigma is attached to the cream and the possibility of fraud in saffron is reduced and it is easier to distinguish whether it is original or not fake.

Pushal saffron is grade 1, grade 2 and grade 3 of Pushal saffron. The types of Pushal saffron available in the market are:

  • Pushal saffron with flowers: As its name suggests, this saffron has bigger flowers and higher quality than other items.
  • Ordinary Pushal saffron: This type of saffron is perhaps the most abundant saffron available in the Iranian market, which is produced by many farmers.
  • Pushal weak saffron: this type of saffron has weak flowers and if you want to powder the original saffron, you can use this saffron.


  • Treating depression and creating vitality

Serotonin is one of the most important neurotransmitters in the body that plays an important role in controlling and improving depression. Many existing chemical antidepressants (fluoxetine) are also designed and manufactured with this serotonin control mechanism. The important difference between saffron and these drugs is in their side effects.

Although saffron has no known side effects for people with depression, it can also compensate for the side effects caused by other chemical drugs in the market. One of these complications is sexual disorders caused by antidepressants, which saffron can improve these disorders to an acceptable extent.

  • Reducing anxiety and creating relaxation

One of the causes of anxiety in people is the presence of antioxidants and environmental stress. According to experts, saffron consumption can have significant sedative properties. Also, saffron has a warm and lively nature, and because of this, it can regulate the nervous mechanisms and in this way improve the functioning of the nerves.

  • treatment common cold

Saffron brew is rich in vitamin C, so it is highly effective in strengthening the body’s immune system and leads to the prevention of colds. It should be mentioned that every 100 grams of saffron contains 80 milligrams of natural vitamin C with high absorbability.


  • Strengthen heart health

One of the most important issues and problems that endangers our cardiovascular health today is the increase in the production of free radicals in our body. These free radicals are produced in large quantities due to our inappropriate lifestyle and lead to the oxidation of fats in the coronary arteries of the heart. One of the best properties of saffron is that it has a large amount of antioxidants such as crocin, crostin and safranal. The duty of these antioxidants is to neutralize free radicals and thus guarantee our cardiovascular health.


  • Anti-cancer properties

According to medical science and scientists’ research, one of the main causes of cancer is the presence of free radicals in the human body. Interestingly, free radicals are naturally produced in our body and if our body cannot neutralize these free radicals, it will suffer serious problems. Free radicals tend to damage and oxidize anything in their reach. Free radicals around the nucleus of cells can damage the genetic material and especially its regulatory sequences, leading to the development of very hard cancers.

As mentioned, the presence of antioxidants such as safranal crocin and picrocrocin in saffron neutralizes free radicals and prevents cancer in humans.


  • Strengthen mental strength

Studies and clinical trials show that saffron has the ability to increase alertness and mental ability as well as protect the brain. Crostin, crocin and safranal in saffron can protect the brain against free radicals, which are one of the most important possible threats to the brain. Also, minerals and compounds in saffron can improve brain functions to an acceptable extent and prevent neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s.

  • Increase body energy

Studies show that consuming saffron can improve the body’s metabolism of fat and glucose. Saffron can lead to a decrease in fat metabolism received through food and optimization of glucose metabolism. Improving energy metabolism in a person leads to an increase in available energy in the body through hormones such as glucagon and prevents the development of diabetes. All these cases lead to the reduction of fat mass in people and weight loss and slimming with saffron.

  • A comfortable sleep

In a clinical study on people who used sleeping pills to have a restful sleep, it was shown that consuming 14 milligrams of saffron daily for a period can lead to a significant improvement in the quality of sleep in these people.

  • Improve shortness of breath

Based on the studies conducted on the properties of saffron, it has been found that this spice has the lowest amount of allergens and strengthens the body’s respiratory system and has a positive effect on the healing process of asthma.

  • Clear skin with saffron

Due to the presence of large amounts of carotenoids, flavonoids and other antioxidants, saffron can play an important role in reviving and maintaining skin collagen. You must know that one of the main factors in maintaining the health and transparency of the skin is skin collagen. Skin collagen is damaged under the influence of antioxidants and other harmful environmental factors such as sunlight and harmful environmental waves, and is destroyed and over time. One of the important benefits of saffron is maintaining and revitalizing skin collagen.

  • Reduction of complications and menstrual disorders

One of the important issues that strongly affects the quality of life of women is menstruation. Disorders and irregularity in menstruation or premenstrual syndrome can be a factor for creating chronic stress and anxiety in women and severely affect their lives. One of the properties of saffron for women is the ability to stimulate menstruation, and its consumption before the onset of menstruation can lead to stimulation of menstruation and creating order in menstruation. Also, research has shown that consuming saffron for several periods can lead to a 50% reduction in premenstrual syndrome complications

  • Improvement of gastric disorders

One of the oldest and most famous uses of the saffron plant is to reduce stomach discomfort and excessive flatulence. The soothing and anti-inflammatory nature of saffron calms and reduces stomach inflammation.

Also, saffron can easily eliminate constipation, bloating, cramping and other serious conditions and disorders such as stomach ulcers.

  • Strengthening the bone tissue of the body

Saffron contains minerals that increase the absorption of calcium in the digestive system. One of the main mechanisms for treating bone disorders and preventing problems such as osteoporosis and soft bones is to increase calcium absorption.

Apart from that, one of the main components of saffron is calcium, which has a high absorption capacity and can meet the calcium needs of our body.

  • Strengthen blood circulation

Saffron has a lot of iron in its ingredients and it can lead to an increase in the production of red blood cells and ultimately increase the amount of hematocrit and hemoglobin in the blood.

Increasing the number of blood cells, in turn, leads to an increase in tissue oxygenation capacity and, as a result, blood circulation. Every 100 grams of saffron has 12 milligrams of iron.

  • Reduce and relieve pain

One of the properties of saffron is regulating the function of the immune system and controlling pain. You must know that most of the time pain is a defensive reaction caused by the activity of the immune system and the cytokines produced by it. Saffron has the ability to regulate and adjust the immune system in a positive direction.

In a clinical study, it was shown that the consumption of saffron extract in the amount of 75 mg/kg of body weight and during 14 days can lead to an increase in the level of serum immunoglobulin IGG against a chronic blood disease.

Also, the vitamins and minerals in saffron lead to strengthening the immune system and improving enzyme functions in people. It should be noted that the active ingredients in saffron are natural and have the highest and best possible absorption in the human body.


Compounds of constituent

The amount of each in 100 grams of Food


310 kcal


65.37 g


11.43 g


5.85 g


11.90 g


3.90 g

sugar Loaf





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