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Shahani date is another very popular and well-known date in Iran, which is one of the sweetest dates in Iran. This date is considered as a wet date, which is also harvested as semi-wet and dry, but what makes it taste good is its softness and wetness.

Although the palm of this date is found and cultivated in various cities in Iran, but its main origin should be considered Fars province and especially the city of Jahrom. More than 95% of the date palms that are planted and cultivated in Jahrom city are Shahani dates.

This date is elongated and narrow-pointed and is often seen as light brown, although it is also dark brown and slightly yellowish in color. This product is very similar to Rabbi dates and sometimes it is misdiagnosed with this date, although it can be easily distinguished by seeing the brown color of this date(shahani) and its narrower shape than Rabbi dates. The length of this date is normally between 3 to 5 cm and  the humidity of this date depends on its type, but for the wet type it is less than 25%.

Shahani date is harvested in autumn. When the date is fully ripe, gardeners immediately pick it up and pack it. It can be stored for a while, but you should know that the storage conditions are special. The ideal temperature for storing these dates is 10 to 20 degrees Celsius but we recommend +5 to +8 for more long time. As mentioned earlier this date is very sweet, so the storage place should be well ventilated and away from sunlight.


Dates are good for diseases such as gastrointestinal tract and constipation, because they are a good nutrient for the body due to their vitamins.

Dates are also useful for boosting human short-term memory because they contain vitamins such as B6.

Dates are also used instead of sugar and candy and sugary foods because they have natural sugars. Many people also use dates that have a sweet taste instead of sugar when using tea.

Most athletes use dates because dates are high in vitamins and iron. Dates are a great snack for athletes and other people, and other properties of dates are also good for weight loss.

Shahani date is rich in minerals, iron and magnesium and are known in traditional medicine as a sedative and heart rate regulator.

Contrary to some consumers’ beliefs, this  date do not have high cholesterol and regulate positive blood cholesterol. It is hematopoietic due to its high iron content and is very useful for people with anemia. It is also useful for the stomach and digestive system due to its high fiber content.


Principle Nutrient Value/100g Unit
Calories 300 calories
Carbohydrates 70 g
Sugars 63 g
Dietary fiber 8 g
Fat 0.4 g
Protein 2.2 g
Calcium 39 mg
Iron 1.02 mg
Magnesium 43 mg
Manganese 0.262 mg
Phosphorus 62 mg
Potassium 656 mg
Sodium 2 mg
Zinc 0.29 mg
Lutein Zagxanthin 75 gµ
Beta-carotene 6 gµ
Vitamin A 10 IU
B1 0.052 gµ
Riboflavin B2 0.066 mg
Niacin B3 1.274 mg
Pantothenic acid B5 0.589 mg
Vitamin B6 0.165 mg
Folate B9 19 gµ
Vitamin C 0.4 mg
Vitamin E 0.05 mg
Vitamin K 2.7 gµ


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