RST FOOD Website

What is date?

What is date?

Dates are the product prepared from sound fruit of the date tree (Phoenix dactylifera L.), which fruit:

(a) is harvested at the appropriate stage of maturity;

(b) is sorted and cleaned to remove defective fruit and extraneous material;

(c) may be pitted and capped;

(d) may be dried or hydrated to adjust moisture content;

(e) may be washed and/or pasteurized; and

(f) is packaged in suitable containers to assure preservation and protection of the product.


Dates are the product prepared from sound fruit of the date tree (Phoenix dactylifera L.), which fruit:

(a) is harvested at the appropriate stage of maturity;

(b) is sorted and cleaned to remove defective fruit and extraneous material;

(c) may be pitted and capped;

(d) may be dried or hydrated to adjust moisture content;

(e) may be washed and/or pasteurized; and

(f) is packaged in suitable containers to assure preservation and protection of the product.

2 Varietal Types

Varietal types are classified as:

(a) Cane sugar varieties (containing mainly sucrose) such as Daglat Nuur (Deglet Noor) and Daglat Beidha (Deglet Beidha).

(b) Invert Sugar varieties (containing mainly invert sugar – glucose, and fructose) such as Barhi (Barhee), Saiidi (Saidy), Khadhraawi (Khadrawy), Hallaawi (Halawy), Zahdi (Zahidi), and Sayir (Sayer).

2.3 Styles may be classified as:

(a) unpitted; and (b) pitted.

2.4 Sub-styles  are as follows:

(a) Pressed – dates which are compressed into layers using mechanical force.

(b) Unpressed or Loose – dates which are free-flowing or packaged without mechanical force or compression.

(c) Clusters – dates with the main bunch stem attached.

Types are as follows :

Dried dates: a ripe date which moisture rate below 15%

Semi Dried dates: a ripe date with the moisture rate between 15% and 18%

Fresh date (Wet) : a ripe date with the moisture rate between 18% and 35%

Size Classification (Optional)

Dates may be designated as to size names in accordance with the following charts:

  • Unpitted dates
Size No. of dates in 500 g
Small More than 100
Medium 80 to 100
Large less than 80
  • Pitted dates
Size No. of dates in 500 g
Small More than 110
Medium 90 to 110
Large less than 90

As one of the reputable international suppliers and exporters of dates, we are ready to provide you with the necessary advice in this field and provide you with the best product using the network of domestic producers.

Persian dates are available in different sizes and types. This product is rich in potassium and iron and is also a rich source of antioxidants and minerals. RST dates are available in different packages and in bulk for every consumption.

  • Piarom dates
  • Kabkab dates
  • Mazafati ( Kimia) dates
  • Shahani dates
  • Zahedi dates
  • Lulu dates
  • Khasooee dates
  • Rabi dates
  • Sayer dates (Estamaran)
  • Kalooteh dates

Dates are a sweet product and fall into the category of dried fruits. After consuming Iranian dates, be sure that you will soon replace it with harmful snacks.


  • Treatment of anemia

Anemia is a disease characterized by a decrease in red blood cells in the human body due to iron deficiency. Dates have significant levels of iron, which makes it an excellent home remedy for iron deficiency.

  • Treatment for diarrhea

Dates are very effective in treating diarrhea because they contain large amounts of potassium, which helps control intestinal prolapse.

  • Bone health

Dates are one of the best supplements for strengthening bones because they are rich in minerals such as selenium, manganese, magnesium and copper. These micronutrients play an important role in bone health.

  • Health of the body’s nervous system

Dates are rich in various vitamins that affect the function and health of the human nervous system. The potassium in dates also improves brain function and speed.

  • Allergy treatment

Dates also contain organic sulfur, it should be noted that most foods do not contain this substance. This organic substance has several health benefits, one of which is to reduce allergic reactions and seasonal allergies.

  • Dental hygiene

Dates also contain fluoride, a chemical that is very effective in dental health, and its benefits include removing plaque and strengthening tooth enamel, which ultimately prevents tooth decay.

  • heart health

Potassium in dates reduces the risk of stroke and other heart diseases. It lowers cholesterol levels and is involved in preventing stroke and heart disease.

  • Skin health

Dates are a rich source of vitamin C and flavonoids, which improve the elasticity of the skin and also enrich the subcutaneous tissues, resulting in softer and smoother skin.

  • anti-aging

Dates are rich in antioxidants whose job is to fight free radicals harmful to the body and prevent premature aging of the skin. In addition, vitamin C helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles by preventing the accumulation of melanin in the skin and fighting oxidation.

  • Healthy hair

As we said, dates are a rich source of vitamins, especially vitamin B5, which is an essential vitamin for hair health. Problems such as brittle hair, hair loss and split ends are caused by a deficiency of this vitamin. Consumption of dates plays an important role in reducing these problems.


Principle Nutrient Value/100g Unit
Calories 300 calories
Carbohydrates 70 g
Sugars 63 g
Dietary fiber 8 g
Fat 0.4 g
Protein 2.2 g
Calcium 39 mg
Iron 1.02 mg
Magnesium 43 mg
Manganese 0.262 mg
Phosphorus 62 mg
Potassium 656 mg
Sodium 2 mg
Zinc 0.29 mg
Lutein Zagxanthin 75 gµ
Beta-carotene 6 gµ
Vitamin A 10 IU
B1 0.052 gµ
Riboflavin B2 0.066 mg
Niacin B3 1.274 mg
Pantothenic acid B5 0.589 mg
Vitamin B6 0.165 mg
Folate B9 19 gµ
Vitamin C 0.4 mg
Vitamin E 0.05 mg
Vitamin K 2.7 gµ


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