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What is pistachio?


Iranian pistachio (Pistacia vera) can be seen in dense forests in the center and northeast of Iran. One of the most widespread and famous types of Iranian pistachios is the fandoghi pistachio, as well as the largest Iranian pistachio, the kalleh Ghochi pistachio.

The pistachio kernel, which forms the edible part of the pistachio, is green in color with a light brown skin that does not need to be removed before eating. Pistachio nuts have a warm nature and have been used by humans since ancient times as one of the pleasant, useful and energizing foods, and later they were included in some foods. Pistachio brain is prescribed for the general strengthening of the body and has been introduced as a substance that generates blood and stimulates the active forces of the body.

Types of Iranian pistachios include:


The classification of pistachios in the world in terms of size and size is as follows:




And Iranian pistachios are also divided according to the above categories as follows:


According to the international standard of Codex Alimentarius, the pistachios are sized as follows:

Designation No. of pistachios per 100 grams Designation
Over 106 Small
92 to 106 Medium
81 to 91 Large
71 to 81 Very Large
Under 71 Extra Large

But another way to measure pistachios is to measure ounce of pistachios, which is explained below.

The pistachio ounce is measured by separating 142 grams of pistachios and then dividing them into groups of five. The number of groups of five obtained is the same as the ounce of pistachios

The most important areas of pistachio cultivation in Iran include the provinces of Kerman, Yazd, Razavi KhorasanSemnan and  South Khorasan.

The most important pistachio producing countries in the world are Iran, America, Turkey and Syria, which supply about 90% of the world’s pistachios .

The storage conditions for pistachios are 0 to 10 degrees Celsius and 70-65% humidity. The shelf life of pistachios depends on factors such as oxygen inhibition, moisture content of pistachios, relative humidity of the environment and storage temperature, control of insect activity. Despite the high percentage of fat, pistachios are prone to spoilage due to hydrolytic or oxidation activities.

The pistachio harvest season in Iran starts from the beginning of August and continues until the end of September.

Among tree nuts, pistachios appear to be particularly susceptible to aflatoxins, but most importantly, “so far no one has been reprimanded by colleagues for buying pistachios from RST “because of aflatoxins.


  • Cancer prevention

Pistachios are a rich source of a type of vitamin E called gamma tocopherol, which has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer, especially lung and prostate cancer. Pistachios also contain a substance called resveratrol, which has high antioxidant properties and is thought to prevent cancer.

  • Treats inflammation

Chronic inflammation has the ability to be responsible for several diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis, ulcerative colitis and even asthma. The antioxidants in pistachio skin and kernels .are anti-inflammatory in nature and are also used to treat inflammation.

  • low blood pressure

Pistachios are a rich source of fiber and that is why it can reduce the pressure on the heart in people .with type 2 diabetes and also help them manage diabetes.

  • Cholesterol lowering

Healthy cholesterol (HDL) in pistachios can reduce the body’s bad cholesterol (LDL) as well as the risk of heart disease. Also, the fiber in pistachios is another substance that one of its functions is to .regulate cholesterol levels in the human heart.

  • nervous system

High levels of vitamin B6 in pistachios help form amino acids. Amino acids in turn produce amines that act as neurotransmitters. Vitamin B6 also synthesizes myelin, which creates an insulating coating around nerve fiber for the proper transmission of signals. Pistachios also produce serotonin, melatonin and GABA, which help reduce stress. It also contains small amounts of copper, which is responsible for neurotransmission.

  • Bone health

Pistachios and pistachio paste are rich in magnesium, calcium and potassium and even contain some vitamin K, which plays a very important role in bone health. These brain substances prevent bone-.related diseases and are also responsible for strengthening bones.

  • Eye health

Carotenoids are commonly associated with orange fruits and vegetables. But pistachios are not useless! Pistachio is full of two carotenoids called lutein and zeaxanthin. In fact, pistachios have the highest amount of carotenoids compared to other nuts. The antioxidant properties of lutein and zeaxanthin are very strong, they protect eye tissue from light toxicity or damage from sunlight, this is .an important factor in preventing age-related macular degeneration.

  • Help to lose weight

If you are looking to lose weight, it is better to eat a handful of pistachios with other tree nuts every day.

  • Promote healthy gut bacteria

As mentioned, the fiber in pistachios has many properties. In addition to its many properties, this fiber is also useful for healthy intestinal bacteria and increases them, and ultimately has a healthier digestive system.

  • Helps increase red blood cells

Pistachios contain good amounts of iron and significant amounts of copper, which is less talked about, but is a very important factor in determining the amount of iron absorption and then the increase in red blood cells.


Principle Nutrient Value/100g Unit
Energy 562 Kcal
Carbohydrates 27.5 g
Protein 20.3 g
Saturated Fat 5.5 g
Trans Fat 0 g
Total Fat 45.4 g
Sugars 7.7 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Dietary Fiber 10.3 g
Sodium 1 mg
Potassium 1030 mg
Calcium 110 mg


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